The place of technology transfer processes in the system of methods for researching the area of Science -Technology-Innovation

The growing importance and scope of technology transfer processes undertaken all over the world settles the question of the necessity for their proper identification. The multi-aspect character and complexity of these phenomena create specific problems in conducting analytic work. Although technology transfer is an element of the Science-Technology-Innovation (STI) system,.

Role of innovation in growth of countries

The paper discusses the role of innovative capability in growth of a country by arguing that in the long run, a nation’s higher order competitive advantage can be built only with innovation. The paper also identifies eight determinants of innovation capability of a country. The discussion of these eight determinants.

Globalization of innovation activity by transnational corporations: and its importance in the present economic crisis

The research aims to investigate the process of globalizing innovation activity conducted by transnational corporations (TNCs), in a wider context of economic changes outside and inside companies. The process has been triggered by decentralization and internationalization of R&D, “creative transition” of foreign subsidiaries as well as implementing research networks and  the.

Feeling the heat: Financial crises and their impact on global climate change

This interdisciplinary paper uses world-systems analysis as a theoretical framework to argue that both the 1870s, 1930’s economic depressions reduced mean global temperatures. As global consumer demand fell, factories worldwide began producing less commodities and, as a result, emitted less greenhouse gasses. We find that in both instances there is.