The effects of globalization on child labor in developing countries

This paper inquires the effects of globalization on child labor in developing countries via cross-country analysis by decomposing globalization to its components; foreign direct investment (FDI) and trade. The findings reveal that the relationship between the child labor supply and gross domestic product per capita (PCGDP) can be expressed as.

Interconnected firms’ relationships as a source of a competitive advantage

The mainstream economy poses the opinion that a competitive advantage lies in resources, and, consequently - in competences as well - being a share of a single company and remaining under its sole control. Recently, some researchers (e.g. Castaldo, 2007; Lavie, 2006) have revised that approach and tend to emphasise.

Emerging markets and innovation: A partnership for global progress

The purpose of this paper is to briefly discuss the role innovation plays in global competition and discuss how companies from some of the emerging markets are using innovation to compete with global companies from the developed world. Innovation is linked to the marketing concept as a driver for developing.