An empirical comparison of different risk measures in portfolio optimization

Risk is one of the important parameters in portfolio optimization problem. Since the introduction of the mean-variance model, variance has become the most common risk measure used by practitioners and researchers in portfolio optimization. However, the mean-variance model relies strictly on the assumptions that assets returns are multivariate normally distributed.

Euroregion’s “mission” and the success of the Lisbon strategy

The article presents how Euroregions contribute to the execution of Lisbon Strategy’s objectives to ensure its positive outcomes. As „special” regions, Euroregion are the embodiment of entrepreneurship and they strive to be competitive. Because the Lisbon Strategy emphasised entrepreneurship-based competitiveness, especially the competitiveness of the SME sector, Euroregions, representing “natural.

Empirical research findings on telework: Management experiences and attitudes

Based on the technological progress and the complex work processes of our increasingly globalised world, novel ways of organising work can be seen everywhere. The EU has defined atypical forms of employment as breakthrough points in improving employment indices. Telework is probably the the most innovative atypical working form, offering.