Hemp Tea – What Is It and Is It Actually Working?

Hemp tea has been in the spotlight for some time now. In fact, people have just rediscovered the power of thousands of years old natural remedies that can effectively help treat various health issues. Hemp tea and CBD products are big commercial hits in both Europe and the USA. It.

Alternative To Basecamp – Why You Might Consider Looking For One?

While this project management tools does have its many upsides, the fact remains that in some instances, looking for an alternative to Basecamp might be preferable to sticking with it. Let's take a look at some of the reasons to do so. But not before we give Basecamp its due… .


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Editorial Committee

Project coordinator and general editor Orifjan Namozov, Ph.D. Prague Development Center, Czech Republic Project and associate editors Petr Hájek, Ph.D., Economist, Unicorn College, Czech Republic Merim Djumalieva Grossley, Ph.D., MBA, U.S.A. Michal Střižík, Ph.D., Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic Managing director and executive editor Kholnazar Amonov, Ph.D. BARAR ICBI.

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