Serbia: A new process for waste rubber and plastic recycling

This paper intends to describe a new technological process for waste rubber and plastic recycling up to the commercial components in safe environmental friendly way. Researches and all relevant technical-technological data related to this process are checked at constructed pilot plant. The future construction of these units for waste rubber.

Training centers of a new type

Necessity for innovative production development sets the new requirements for content, organization, forms and methods of management activity. Non-traditional tasks faced by the present system of human resources management require the similar type of non-traditional methodological approaches and tools for social diagnosis, training and management of people in new situations..

Tertiary education in Latvia today and tomorrow

The market economy principles are deeply implemented in the system of tertiary education in Latvia. The share of private sector and private funding is significantly big, as well as the variety of study programs. Nevertheless it is only one side of supply-demand dimension that might be seriously changed by economic.