Polish banking system during the global financial crisis

Lasting for over a year the global crisis in financial markets, affected individual countries’ banking systems to a different degree. The present article discusses the phenomenon and its effects on the Polish banking system. The aim of the article is to present trends, the scale of the crisis and the.

Achievements, challenges and perspectives of financial decentralization in Bulgaria

The process of gradual administrative and political decentralization in Bulgaria started in 1991, but the real financial decentralization process started in the beginning of 2003 with the adoption of a comparatively clear expenditure assignment and introduction of a transparent and predictable intergovernmental transfer system. Step by step, local governments have been given.

Capital and financing innovation processes in enterprises in Poland: selected aspects

Every economic entity undertakes various complex activities that aim at achieving strategic goals. This complex plane of strategic activities certainly includes pro-innovative activity consisting in creating and implementing innovations that help to gain competitive advantage. Undoubtedly, enterprises need capital. Without capital they are not able to positively influence the economic.

The dynamics of link formation in patent innovator networks

The paper presents a simple extension of the Barabasi-Albert model of network evolution. This model is based upon the assumption that new links are formed not only according to the centrality of other nodes in a network but geodetic distance is also important in link formation. Simulation results show that.